A lesson in Swedish

A swedis man is a person of few words.

Eng: Excuse me, I didn´t quite catch what you were saying.
Swe: Va? (vah?)
Literal translation: What?

Eng: Sorry for bumping into you like that. So terribly
clumsy of me.
Swe: Oj! (oi!)
Literal translation: Oh!

Eng: It´s you! How lovely to see you!
Swe: Nej, men! (nay men)
Literal translation: No, but!

Eng: How are things with you?
Swe: Annars? (an ass)
Literal translation: Otherwise?

Eng: Excuse me, may I disturb you for a second?
Swe: Du
Literal translation: You

Eng: Could I have a pint of your best bitter please.
Swe: En stor stark
Literal translation: A big strong one

Eng: Shall we treat ourselves and indulge in a schnapps?
Swe: En liten djävul? (en liten yayvull)
Literal translation: A little devil?

However sometimes English is just that bit more concise:

Eng: Mind the gap!
Swe: Tänk på avståndet mellan vagn och plattform när ni
stiger av.
Literal translation: Think of the gap between the carriage
and the plattform when you alight.

puss, H


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